Preparing the play field in ArengiBox

Defining a framework in ArengiBox is choosing scales and assessment matrixes  as well as a universe of generic risks. Depending on your subscription, you can add one or several frameworks. 

Note - A risk mapping project is always attached to a framework. It is possible, on the risk mapping project level, to modify certain elements of the framework used (assessment scales and risk categories). 

  1. Accessing the framework page. 

1.1 Head to the Risk Universe section, then Frameworks.

1.2 To adapt the existing framework in ArengiBox, click on the pencil icon. 

Note that you can also directly create a framework from a blank page by clicking on the icon..

If you’re just beginning in risk management, we recommend adapting the framework rather than creating one. 

2. Defining your framework

2.1 Assessment Scales page 

The Assessment Scales page allows you to: 

  • Name and define your scales (for example the scale of impact or gravity, the scale of frequency or probability, and scales of improvement margin or controls). You can also specify the corresponding thresholds of the different scale levels. 

  • Define the levels of criticality (crossing impact and frequency) and priority (crossing criticality and improvement margin). 

2.2 Matrixes page 

The Matrixes page allows you to spread your levels of criticality and prioritisation on different matrixes, depending on your palatability for risk. 

2.3 Risk Universe page 

The Risk universe page allows you to view and modify categories and/or generic risks in your risk universe.

Note that if you already have an existing risk universe, you can download it using the Import risk universe icon.

There you go, you know the essentials to defining your playing field with ArengiBox. Once this work is done, all that’s left to do is play away by commencing your new risk map.